[K9 keyboard problem]Finding the words by ranking - updating


You have a list of words with ranking.

Now you need to create a function that will take this list as input and provide a way so that a T9 keyboard can provide three top results of probable words based on rankings for the numbers punched in. To help the understanding here is the picture of T9 keyboard.

Figure 1: example T9 keyboard

For example, given the list words with ranking:

[("test", 13), ("tax", 7), ("tom", 50), ("text", 100), ("top", 79),("tub", 101), ("tap", 3))]

Following input from the T9 keyboard, should return the following output.

key = 8: [ (tap, 3)(tax, 7)(test, 13)]
key = 82: [ (tap, 3)(tax, 7)]
key = 83: [ (test, 13)(text, 100)]
key = 86: [ (tom, 50)(top, 79)]
key = 2: [ ]

1. Brute-force approach

We can sort the list of words by rank then search the list to find words matching the keyword. This brute-force approach will result in the following running time.

Sorting : $O(N \log N)$, one time cost
Lookup: $O(N)$

To solve this problem, we need to understand Trie data structure and implement it.
Using the Trie, we can store the input words in each level. Only modification I would make is to remember only Top 3 words. 

Once the Trie is built, searching top 3 words starting with given keyword can be found via Tree traverse.

Each node contains the list of top 3 words that share the same prefix and sorted by ranking. (See Figure 1.)

Overall Running is below:

- Building a Trie: 
   $O(N \log N)$: sorting the list of N words by ranking
   $O(K \times N \log N)$: to build the tree, where K is the longest  string, N is the number of words given as a input.

- Initializing the T8Keyboard class: $O(1)$
- Searching the words : $O( 4^{I} \times I \times \log N)$
  $O(4^I)$: to create the list of possible word combination, where $I$ is the length of key.
  $O(4^I \times I \times \log N)$: to find the top 3 words corresponding to each candidate words
  $O(N \log N)$ to sort the results by ranking 

Therefore, overall running time will be $$O( 4^{I} \times I \times \log N)$$

In the solution, we used the std::map to store the children nodes with a character as a key. It requires $O(\log N)$ to check if there are child with a specified character in each level in the tree.

However, if we use the hash table, in this context a array of node * with size of 256. We can reduce the time to search the candidate words, to $$O(4^I \times I )$$ at an expense of the space, since we need to keep the 256 slots of node * even though only one slot is used.

Here is the complete code.


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